In Christ Alone

The world is so crazy right now I hardly know what to write. After all, who am I to offer up deep theological answers to everyone’s questions? I have my own questions.

Thankfully, I know where to go for answers, and I can point you in the right direction as well.

In Christ Alone is a song by Keith Getty and Stuart Townsend, written in 2002, rather recent in the music world to have gained such popularity and had such worldwide impact. Many folks mistakenly believe it to be an old-time hymn as it doesn’t fit with much of today’s contemporary Christian music.

For me, it is an anthem. A song not only of praise but of absolute devotion, deep, aching worship. I can not listen to this song without joyous tears filling my eyes.

I heard it three times yesterday.

The first was on a live-stream church service from Alabama. The second was the recorded service from my own local church, and the third time was a radio broadcast late last night that was probably at least ten years old.

I’m a firm believer that when something reveals itself multiple times, there’s a message I need to take to heart. I’m a firm believer that all I need to know is in the first line. I’m a firm believer that every question is answered throughout the verses. And if I still have questions after I’ve sung the last note, well, then they don’t need to be answered right now. That’s why it’s called faith.

Christ alone is my hope, my light, my strength, my cornerstone, my solid ground.  He came for love and sacrifice and atonement.

He defeated death so I would never have to face it down. He freed me from the power of sin, and I am His. Always and forever.

No matter what I’m facing, no loss, no sickness, no financial devastation, nothing will ever separate me from His love.  (Romans 8:35, 38-39, paraphrased)

If you’re struggling right now with uncertainty or doubt, especially about God’s sovereignty or love, let me assure you He’s listening. If you are a Christ-follower, He longs to wrap His mighty arms around you and give you peace and comfort. If you are not a follower of Christ, let me assure you that He longs to do the same thing for you. Turn to Him, ask Him to reveal Himself to you, and when He does, surrender yourself completely to Him as Lord and Savior. I promise it will be life-changing.

Please note that I did not say it will be circumstance-changing. It will, however, be perspective-changing. When you begin to see life through the lens of eternity, you can’t help but take on a more realistic view of this earthly existence. This is not our forever home. It’s a temporary residence with some nice amenities at times, some major issues even, but, thankfully, we’re not stuck here. And when we take our final breath, we’re not forever relegated to the dustbin.

In Christ Alone.

Take a few minutes to look up the lyrics, study them closely, and make this your anthem as well.


Published by

Cathy FitzGerald

I am in love with Jesus, my hubby, my outstanding grandchildren, and iced coffee drinks. This life has thrown me a lot of curves, and in the process, grown me a bit wiser, so I would be remiss if I did not share with others what the Lord has taught me.

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